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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2023/2024 School Year

14th Dec 2023
We had a great time learning about Christmas traditions in the past. We really enjoyed...
13th Dec 2023
Congratulations to the P1 and P2 pupils who performed the Christmas Nativity story...
13th Dec 2023
Glow afterschool is returning in January for 8 week sessions. Running from Monday...
13th Dec 2023
We have been busy making Christmas cards for our loved ones. Look at our fabulous...
12th Dec 2023
P6 had great fun designing and making their vases from clay. Very well done.
12th Dec 2023
A little reminder to everyone to try to complete your 12 Days of Christmas Mathletics...
12th Dec 2023
Are you in P4- P7 and enjoy singing? Why not take part in this year's Christmas...