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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2023/2024 School Year

7th Jan 2024
P1 admission Online applications will open at 12 noon on Tuesday 9 January 2024 and...
21st Dec 2023
In the month of December we have had lots of fun preparing for Christmas. Wishing...
20th Dec 2023
20th Dec 2023
Congratulations to the P5 children on their wonderful performance at the Christmas...
20th Dec 2023
This morning the class went to the Chapel to see the beautiful Nativity scene. We...
20th Dec 2023
We enjoyed a cosy day as our class reward for working as a team. 
19th Dec 2023
The boys and girls have been reading lots in Term 1. Today we presented individual...
19th Dec 2023
We had an amazing few weeks with Sprinkle and Sparkle our class elves. Each one of...