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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2023/2024 School Year

6th Feb 2024
Today each class will participate in Safer Internet Day 2024. The theme for this...
2nd Feb 2024
Thank you to Feidhlim Hughes for bringing in his two gerbils, Nibbles and Twinkle....
2nd Feb 2024
P6 enjoyed their trip learning all about the Victorian era. Great fun Learning about...
2nd Feb 2024
We had lots of fun in primary 4 today. We competed against the teacher using playing...
2nd Feb 2024
Well done to the P7 team who enjoyed competing in the NI Primary School Road Safety...
2nd Feb 2024
Today P4 celebrated St Brigid at mass. P7 helped also as they read while P4 processed...
2nd Feb 2024
We really enjoyed  number day. Lots of fun games and laughs in p3. 
2nd Feb 2024
We had great fun today playing our number games together. Thanks to our P7 friends...
2nd Feb 2024
We enjoyed playing number board games for NSPCC Number day.