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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2023/2024 School Year

28th Feb 2024
On preparation for our Green Flag application we gave our nice board a freshen up....
28th Feb 2024
The eco committee shall be leading the annual Big Spring Clean on Friday 8th March....
27th Feb 2024
Key stage two searched high and low for words this month and their choices didn’t...
27th Feb 2024
Important message from the School Nursing Service Team   We are forwarding...
23rd Feb 2024
The P3 did an amazing job with their first assembly telling lots of family members...
21st Feb 2024
This afternoon we welcomed Freddie Mc Ardle to our classroom. He spoke to us about...
19th Feb 2024
Thank you to the P7s who did a Guard of Honour at the Requiem Mass on Sunday 11th...
19th Feb 2024