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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2019/2020 School Year

10th May 2020
Gracie raised awareness for a fantastic cause on Saturday morning, Darkness Into...
10th May 2020
What a wonderful catch up Miss White had with the Primary 4's on Friday and I know...
8th May 2020
Please see attached documents for information. 
8th May 2020
You can fundraise for Women's Aid and Barnardos whilst colouring in at home! ...
8th May 2020
Wow Primary 4, you are really impressing me with those beautiful May Altars! Jack...
7th May 2020
Congratulations once again this week to all in who participated in Mathletics tasks...
7th May 2020
May Altar Well done Daithi for creating this outstanding May Altar at home....
7th May 2020
Andrew has been enjoying completing his work this week on fractions! Well done...
7th May 2020
Wow James I love your poem! Well Done! You are working so hard at home to complete...
7th May 2020
Cara, Bradan,Freya and the dog enjoying corn flour gooo!!! Hope everyone has a...