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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2019/2020 School Year

28th May 2020
Thank you so very much Louis for my gorgeous wreath. It has pride of place...
27th May 2020
Look at how busy Annie has been completing our P1 activities.  It really makes...
27th May 2020
Adam designed and wrote his own little book about dinosaurs.  The drawings...
27th May 2020
Just a reminder about our last lucky dip which the winner can get a £10 voucher....
27th May 2020
For all JK Rowling fans out there -here is some exciting news. Her new book is being...
27th May 2020
Jasmine has been very busy at home.  She has completed a great fact file on...
27th May 2020
Everyone in the school family reported great interest and enjoyment in the townlands...
27th May 2020
Super work Sinead!  You have put a lot of time and effort into your project. ...
27th May 2020
Great work Emma, you clearly did a lot of research.  I especially like the...
27th May 2020
A reminder that this week's Mathletics Hall of Fame week 6 will be congratulating...