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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2020/2021 School Year

20th Nov 2020
Congratulations to Emilie who spoke so clearly on the Connor Phillips show on BBC...
20th Nov 2020
Well done to all our pupils who participated so well, in our Anti-Bullying Week...
20th Nov 2020
The P7's did lots of different activities this week during PDMU lessons to...
19th Nov 2020
This week we learnt the importance of being 'Cyber-Smart'. We discussed the importance...
19th Nov 2020
To mark Anti-Bullying week, the children at the beginning of the week each picked...
19th Nov 2020
In P4 our topic is Polar regions. We have recently been making lots of new discoveries...
19th Nov 2020
We have been very busy designing our own Anti-Bullying posters, to celebrate the...
19th Nov 2020
We have been very busy making animal masks with Julia, as part of our 'Animal' topic...
19th Nov 2020
This week our topic work on People Who Help Us focussed on the life of a nurse. ...
19th Nov 2020
We are celebrating Anti-Bullying week in P1.  On Monday we wore our odd socks...