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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2023/2024 School Year

20th Mar 2024
A massive congratulations to our girls Cumann na mBunscol team, which consisted of...
20th Mar 2024
Well done to all our pupils from P1-7 who took part in the NSPCC Programme Speak...
20th Mar 2024
Useful information for parents/careers from CYPSP.
19th Mar 2024
Click the link below to access the free Neurodiversity Awareness Resource & Information...
15th Mar 2024
Primary 4 have completed part 2 ‘The Body’ in Keeping Safe. Congratulations...
15th Mar 2024
Dressed in an array of green shades we brightened up our P1 classroom today with...
15th Mar 2024
A massive congratulations to our boys Cumann na mBunscol team, which consisted of...
15th Mar 2024
Primary 4 enjoyed the acting, songs, traditional music and storytelling today presented...
15th Mar 2024
P6 and 7 had a great morning partaking in a drama workshop about Fionn Mac Cumhaill....