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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2020/2021 School Year

9th May 2021
We had lots of fun welcoming Izak9 into our classroom on Wednesday. Some groups...
7th May 2021
Primary 6 read beautifully at Mass today, the theme was Mary, Mother of Jesus.
7th May 2021
This week we have been busy participating in lots of number fun. On Wednesday we...
7th May 2021
This week we participated in two World Maths Day events.  On Wednesday we took...
7th May 2021
All week our fantastic P4 families have very kindly been sending in lots of coins...
7th May 2021
The P7s really enjoyed gardening this morning. Thank you to Kathleen and Patrick...
7th May 2021
Thank you to all the P7s who brought in coins for the NSPCC to celebrate World Maths...
7th May 2021
P3 have been very busy celebrating NSPCC Number Day! We had lots of fun working...
7th May 2021
Well done to the top 3 pupils in P7, Sean, Lorcan & Lily. 👍 Huge congratulations...
6th May 2021
We had so much fun investigating number using Izak 9 cubes today. We also met Abacus...