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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2023/2024 School Year

27th Mar 2024
Happy Easter from our little P1 chicks! ? 
27th Mar 2024
Congratulations to the prize winners and Miss Mc Parland who won the staff egg.
27th Mar 2024
Congratulations to all pupils who were awarded certificates and prizes today for...
27th Mar 2024
Congratulations to Niall who won the Easter egg in the P5 raffle. 
27th Mar 2024
As part of our topic 'Food' P2 made Rice Krispy buns. We melted chocolate, mixed...
27th Mar 2024
The eco committee were delighted to receive crisps as their reward for organising...
26th Mar 2024
Primary 4 have been learning how to write and follow instructions in Literacy.They...
26th Mar 2024
Pictured are some of our excellent reading buddies from P7 who took their role as...
26th Mar 2024
Congratulations to Aine, our first reader this year to read over 1,000,000 words....