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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2023/2024 School Year

12th Apr 2024
Term 3 means one thing in p3- tin whistle lessons and there was big excitement....
12th Apr 2024
Primary 7 enjoyed a very enjoyable day travelling round South Armagh taking in all...
10th Apr 2024
Don’t forget  next week is our annual Cash for Clobber event.  Collection...
9th Apr 2024
Aine chose the book Little Women as her book of choice for becoming a word millionaire....
9th Apr 2024
We had two very enthusiastic green fingered p6 boys who decided to find like minded...
8th Apr 2024
8th Apr 2024
Activities, advice and personal stories about parenting and special educational needs...
28th Mar 2024
This week our school has been invaded… by Vikings! In P4 we have been learning...
27th Mar 2024
Week beginning Monday 15th April to Friday 19th April we are having our annual Cash...