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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2021/2022 School Year

18th Nov 2021
To promote and celebrate anti-bullying week, the P7s today watched the video, 'Kindness...
17th Nov 2021
We celebrated Road Safety week in Primary 4. We talked about the importance of being...
17th Nov 2021
Thanks to the hard working litter pickers from the eco council who are so driven...
17th Nov 2021
Today we did our road safety work and now it is important to stay safe on the road...
17th Nov 2021
What a fun morning we had with Ann.  P3 are really enjoying all the activities....
17th Nov 2021
We have really enjoyed learning all about Anti bullying week.  We have used...
16th Nov 2021
 Anti- bullying week 2021 runs from 15th till the 19th November. The theme...
16th Nov 2021
Lately in Primary 4 we have become experts on Garden Birds and next week we will...
16th Nov 2021
We commenced the start of Anti-Bullying week in Primary 4 by designing our very...
16th Nov 2021
Congratulations to p6 who have read over 2,000,000 words! Enjoy the treats and rewards...