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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

Planning for Anti-Bullying Week

7th Nov 2018

Today at our Pastoral Care Team meeting, pupils planned activities to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week next week, Monday 12th-Friday 16th November.  The Team are going to hold a poster competition for each class. Pupils must create a poster demonstrating the theme for this year, ‘Choose Respect.’

The Pastoral Care Team/Anti-Bullying Ambassadors also decided on a non-uniform day for the end of the week. Pupils are asked to wear the colour ‘Yellow for Respect.’ A letter about planned activities will be sent home to parents next week.

During the meeting the Pastoral Care Team/Anti-Bullying Ambassadors also worked together, to create posters to display in the assembly hall promoting Anti-Bullying Week. Well done Team, they look great!