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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

Eco Committee Piggy Bank

13th Feb 2019

As part of our Global Learning theme we are supporting a past pupil of Dromintee PS, Cormac Mc Keever on his quest to help those in need in under developed countries. Cormac is spending his summer holidays building a school in Cambodia.  To help Cormac hit his fundraising target we have a "Piggy Bank" and are encouraging the pupils to bring in 1p's and 2p's to "feed our piggy bank".

The contents in the piggy bank will be given to Cormac and he has promised he will return to show us how the money was spent and tell the children all about his trip.

An exciting competition shall begin on Monday 8th April and will run until Tuesday 15th April. For 50p a guess, children can try and guess how much money is in the piggy bank. Children in each class from P1- P7, who is closest to the actual amount shall win a Fairtrade Easter egg, so there are 7 prizes up for grabs.

 All proceeds shall go to Trocaire for the "Guess the amount in the piggy" competition.