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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

CRJ donate ipads to Dromintee families

10th Sep 2020

The school community of Dromintee Primary school were delighted to receive ipads for five families attending the school.  Families where a large number of children require access to devices, were chosen to receive the ipads.  Mrs McKeown thanked CRJ's Imelda McDonald and Enda Hughes for the opportunity for the families.  It will make remote learning more accessible for some of our children.  The families, who are pictured receiving their device from Imelda McDonald, all expressed appreciation and delight that their children will have access to a device.  One parent thanked CRJ and the funders, on behalf of the group, for the immense task of applying for funding and processing all the applications.  The importance of the work of CRJ in communities was discussed.