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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

Coaching finished for the academic year

20th Jun 2024
Pupils at Dromintee Primary School have enjoyed yet another full year of weekly after-school GAA football skills coaching.  This training opportunity is in conjunction with Dromintee CLG, with whom we have an excellent working relationship which benefits all our children.  County player, Greg McCabe, is assisted by parent volunteer coach, Mr Oliver Gaughran, and auntie volunteer coach, Nicole McKenna.  They have worked to develop the skills and confidence of our girls and boys with great success this year.  Both school's teams won the Malachy McGeeney mid-sized schools county titles.  We are deeply indebted to Dromintee CLG, Greg McCabe, Oliver Gaughran and Nicole McKenna.  The children were rewarded by the coaches with an ice-lolly treat!