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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

Big Battery Hunt

9th May 2018

The Eco Committee have been very busy at their recent meeting.  The children gave every class a new blue bin- to be used solely for paper. 


They also devised a competition called the Big Battery Hunt.  This starts on 14th May until 25th May. 

Each child has a battery collection box to bring home to fill up,  as much as possible of old,  unwanted batteries. 

The eco committee shall deposit these into our central battery bin. 


If your child brings in old batteries, their class teacher will tick their name off a list and they shall be entered into a draw for a prize to reward their efforts. 


The Eco Committee also devised " Recharge your battery time" as a class prize.

So to add to the competition the class with the highest return of batteries,  can win time in class to "recharge their batteries" wheter it be ICT time, Golden time or free art! The choice will be up to the class winners! 

So team work is required- so get collecting Dromintee PS.


Thanks again to the hard working Eco Committee for their great ideas and excellent posters.