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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

Accelerated reading in Dromintee PS

14th Sep 2020

This week all the pupils are doing a STAR reading test to determine their AR number.  The proposed programme for the year has been devised and will be overseen by Mrs Fiona Fearon.  Mrs Fearon is 'the boss of AR' and all things to do with Literacy when Mrs Murray is off having her baby.  In the last academic year we had 2 millionaire readers during school term, 7 during lockdown and 4 during the summer holidays. 

Congratulations to the 13 millionaire readers of 2019-2020 and we are looking forward to a successful reading year for 2020-2021.   Pictured is Mrs Fearon giving an award to one of the lockdown winners, the onlookers being very avid readers!  We look forward to the Outdoor Reading Room reopening this week.  The room has been deep cleaned, the books all sanitised and a new system is in operation to allow book lending to continue.