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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2022/2023 School Year

2nd Dec 2022
Our P1 and P2 pupils looked fabulous in their Christmas jumpers and accessories,...
2nd Dec 2022
Please see attached information letter regarding PCT Christmas collection. 
2nd Dec 2022
On Thursday the children had a special visit from Noel. They made badges and had...
2nd Dec 2022
The children had great fun making pencil cases from recyclable materials. Thanks...
1st Dec 2022
Today we welcomed Noel who taught us all about reusing and recycling materials....
1st Dec 2022
A huge thank you to Noel from ‘Waste Bus’ who visited the P7 classroom...
1st Dec 2022
Today we had Noel Lyons from the Waste Bus come to visit our school. In P1 we learned...
1st Dec 2022
Well done to all our Mathseeds and Mathletics challenge winners for November. ...
1st Dec 2022
Thank you to Noel who came into the school today to show us how to make paper compost...
1st Dec 2022
Today Noel taught us all about the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling....