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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2019/2020 School Year

26th May 2020
Sophia has been busy learning about the history of her family.  She has been...
26th May 2020
Neil you look to be having a great time learning from home! I especially love the...
25th May 2020
We fondly remember the day Luna came to school to meet the boys and girls of Primary...
25th May 2020
We didn't know it then, but we had our last meeting of this academic year on March...
25th May 2020
You are in for a treat with this fantastic mine craft project which was jointly...
25th May 2020
Thank you to my wonderful pupils who Zoomed on the bank holiday Monday. 🥰...
25th May 2020
Well done Amy! You have been very busy working on your town lands project. I love...
25th May 2020
Wow John! Your Townlands project is fantastic. I love all your drawings, you have...
25th May 2020
Ferghal you have been so busy at home and working very hard. Well done...Keep up...
25th May 2020
Miss White got a beautiful surpise on Saturday when she received a 'Pamper Package'...