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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2019/2020 School Year

24th Jun 2020
Here is a little video I have uploaded of memories from Primary 4.  I have...
24th Jun 2020
Parents please find below a list of useful websites with resources including videos...
23rd Jun 2020
A beautiful prayer of gratitude Bradan. 
22nd Jun 2020
I received this beautiful photograph from Freya to say thank you for the little...
22nd Jun 2020
Thank you to all the P7 children and parents who made the P7 graduation such a special...
22nd Jun 2020
I have uploaded a video of our memories from P6.  I have been blessed with...
21st Jun 2020
Dear P1 Parents, The end of the year is always bittersweet, this year more than...
21st Jun 2020
To the eco committee of 2019/2020 I want express my thanks to each member as you...
19th Jun 2020
Well done to all the children today who took part in our end of year prayer service....