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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2020/2021 School Year

19th Nov 2020
We are celebrating Anti-Bullying week in P1.  On Monday we wore our odd socks...
18th Nov 2020
This week P2-P7 classes are participating in the November Mathletics Challenge. ...
18th Nov 2020
We have been so busy the past few weeks and took lots of our learning outdoors!...
18th Nov 2020
In P3 we all know that we need to be kind to each other.  We use kind words...
17th Nov 2020
Listen to Mrs Mc Keown reading a fantastic book for Anti-bullying Week. It has a...
17th Nov 2020
We had great fun decorating our odd socks today, as part of our Anti-Bullying Week...
16th Nov 2020
Today marks the beginning of anti bullying week. The Theme this year is 'United...
16th Nov 2020
We began celebrating Anti-Bullying week today, by wearing our odd socks to celebrate...
16th Nov 2020
We began Anti-Bullying Week today by wearing odd socks to school.  This reminds...
16th Nov 2020
Well done to everyone in P7 who remembered to wear odd socks to school today. The...