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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2020/2021 School Year

12th Feb 2021
Congratulations to our P4-P7 AR Challenge Winners. These pupils completed the...
11th Feb 2021
Shane O' neill is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Dp Fitness PE...
11th Feb 2021
Thank you to all those families who attended our workshop on keeping safe online...
10th Feb 2021
Please find attached information on how to raise a Safeguarding or Child Protection...
10th Feb 2021
REIM Training is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Dromintee PS...
8th Feb 2021
Well done to our P4-7 pupils again this week. We had 80 quizzes completed by 39...
8th Feb 2021
This week we celebrate Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 9 th February. Pupils will...