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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2020/2021 School Year

26th Apr 2021
Copies of the Confirmation ceremony 2021 are available for purchase on USB for a...
23rd Apr 2021
Today in WAU we took a different approach to our topic. Instead of thinking of ways...
23rd Apr 2021
The Primary 7 boys and girls of Dromintee Primary School made their Confirmation...
22nd Apr 2021
The P7 pupils in Dromintee will be making their Confirmations tomorrow. To mark...
20th Apr 2021
Please see attached letter from the PHA. 
20th Apr 2021
Please see attached letter from the PHA. 
19th Apr 2021
As part of our WAU topic, safe and sound, we have been investigating many different...
19th Apr 2021
We are exploring multiplication in numeracy in P4. We are working very hard to build...
19th Apr 2021
The Boys and Girls in P4 had a wonderful morning gardening outdoors with Finnegan's...
19th Apr 2021
Please be advised there will be no school crossing patrol until further notice. ...