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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2021/2022 School Year

4th Nov 2021
Save the date.   Get your novelty head bands, hats, flashing badges or whatever...
4th Nov 2021
We had a busy week this week after our break.  This week we focused on the...
4th Nov 2021
Today, Thursday 4th November is Outdoor Classroom Day. This is a global movement...
4th Nov 2021
P2 had great fun during outdoor play today, celebrating ‘Outdoor Classroom...
3rd Nov 2021
What a hard working eco committee we have! They completed the environmental review...
2nd Nov 2021
Well done P4 and p7 who have already met their word target for AR.  P5 and...
1st Nov 2021
P3 started our Attention and listening programme today.  We are learning to...
22nd Oct 2021
Thanks to all our family and friends, who sponsored us for our walk for school funds....
22nd Oct 2021
A great end to Maths week, Primary 4 won the prize for the most Mathletics certificates...
22nd Oct 2021
We would like to wish all of the boys and girls in Primary 4 a Happy and Safe Halloween...