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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2021/2022 School Year

10th Nov 2021
P5 had a wonderful drama session today with Ann. We insulted each other Shakespearean...
9th Nov 2021
Our P6 and P7 pupils have received their new badges. They will wear them every day...
9th Nov 2021
Today we were learning to it is ok to feel angry sometimes.  It is not ok to...
9th Nov 2021
As part of our literacy work -instructional writing the children designed, planned...
9th Nov 2021
Congratulations to p5 for meeting their 500,000 word target for term 1.  The...
8th Nov 2021
The South Armagh Poetry Group has published a beautiful book of poetry which came...
5th Nov 2021
A big congratulations to the Primary 4 class in taking the next step in their sacramental...
4th Nov 2021
Today the Pastoral Care Team met to begin their preparations for Anti-Bullying Week....
4th Nov 2021
Well done to all the P5s who took part in their first Izak9 afterschool session....
4th Nov 2021
Today Mrs. McGowan joined our P7 class to continue with our drama workshops. ...