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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2021/2022 School Year

19th Nov 2021
We were very creative designing jackets that would keep us safe on the road. 
19th Nov 2021
Mrs McKeown has sent a letter home with all pupils today which we would ask you...
19th Nov 2021
Well done to our P1-7 Anti-Bullying Week winners. The Pastoral Care Team chose one...
19th Nov 2021
We had our second Do This In Memory Mass today. The theme of our Mass was Christ...
19th Nov 2021
Congratulations to all of the P7s who have successfully completed this term, the...
19th Nov 2021
Well done to all our pupils from P1-P7, who took part in our Anti-Bullying Week...
19th Nov 2021
Primary 5 have successfully completed theme one of the Keeping Safe Programme. The...
19th Nov 2021
This week the P7s really enjoyed taking part in the Mathletics Challenge which is...
18th Nov 2021
P2 have been very busy this week designing their ABW ‘One Kind Word’...
18th Nov 2021
We had great fun with Ann this week. We had the chance to be a character from ‘Charlie...