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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2021/2022 School Year

6th Dec 2021
On Friday 10th December we are having Elfie Day in support of Action Mental Health....
6th Dec 2021
p3 enjoyed their Daily Mile Santa run on Friday.  
5th Dec 2021
A sneak peek of what we are learning in drama lessons. 
4th Dec 2021
This week the Primary 1 pupils enjoyed a gardening session led by Kathleen from...
4th Dec 2021
We participated in the daily mile before lunch every day, but today was a daily...
3rd Dec 2021
Our school photographer is returning on Monday 6th December to take photographs...
3rd Dec 2021
Burns Afterschool have very kindly extended our Afterschool sessions for one more...
3rd Dec 2021
Primary 6 had a great time today taking part in the daily mile run while proudly...
3rd Dec 2021
We had great fun taking part in the Daily Mile Santa Run today and looked fabulous...