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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2022/2023 School Year

6th Oct 2022
We had a superb day visiting the Planetarium in Armagh. We built and launched our...
6th Oct 2022
Thank you to all our families for supporting our coffee morning drive through for...
5th Oct 2022
Great fun and thinking involved learning all about coding.
4th Oct 2022
On Saturday some of the children in P6 with the help of Fionn from P5 took part...
4th Oct 2022
The primary 4 class were given a mission to create their own new type of space craft...
4th Oct 2022
We had a great time investigating moveable toys with Margaret from Sentinus this...
4th Oct 2022
We had great fun with Mrs Lane from Sentinus this morning, learning all about flight....
3rd Oct 2022
We had great fun with Jack our coach from Healthy Kidz today.