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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy


2022/2023 School Year

20th Oct 2022
This week P6 have been busy using many strategies to promote the learning of maths...
20th Oct 2022
Today we learnt lots about the Numeracy resource IZAK-9 with Donna, as part of our...
19th Oct 2022
We are half way through Maths Week and the primary 4 class have been loving all...
19th Oct 2022
To celebrate Maths Week Ireland, the P7s enjoyed participated in fun, practical...
19th Oct 2022
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is when a child or adult has persistent difficulties...
19th Oct 2022
Well done to our primary six superstars. Molly, Aoibheánn and Thomas who...
18th Oct 2022
Our very curious P1 children loved using the IZAK 9 resources and investigating...
18th Oct 2022
Our new theme in literacy is following instructions.  The children made these...
18th Oct 2022
P3 enjoyed all our maths activities today to celebrate Maths Week.  We played...