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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

STEM Club - Weather Permitting

7th Dec 2016

This week, our STEM club theme was weather. We began by exploring the life of Marie Curie and we learned about how her work has helped with the development of cancer treatments today. We checked our egg experiment from last week. The egg in vinegar lost its shell and became bouncy – it was cool! Then we checked our cress seeds from last week. The cress seeds with sunlight and water grew well and were lovely and green, the seeds with no light and water still grew well but were yellow in colour and the seeds with no water or sunlight didn’t grow at all. We talked about all the types of weather we knew, especially the not-so-nice winter weather! We made rainclouds using shaving foam and food colouring. Next, we set up an experiment to show how the rainwater returns to the clouds to complete the water cycle. We put raisins into 7up and some into water. The raisins in the 7up rose the top of the cup and then fell to the bottom again – it was as though the raisins were dancing! Finally, we used pipe cleaners, water and bicarbonate of soda to set up our weekly experiment. We made candy cane shapes from the pipe cleaners and dipped them into the solution…we wonder what will happen!