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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

Our Holiday topic

22nd Jun 2017

With glorious sunshine we have been enjoying Plan-Do-Review outside. We have also been learning about how to keep safe in the summer sun - wearing sun cream, a cap, summer clothes and sunglasses. Our holiday topic provided us with exciting interactions in the travel agent role play area, thoughtful creations of famous landmarks in the world for our sight seeing improvisations, scenic postcards and we had our passports at the ready to explore Paris and Australia with Barnaby Bear. Aurika also presented information and shared photographs of Lithuania with us from her own travelling experiences -just in case we choose Lithuania as our holiday destination!  Our Summer 'Show and Tell' collection was fantastic as each child articulately explained the reason for their summer object with enthusiasm and its purpose to them in Summer. 

Have a very enjoyable safe Summer holiday to all.